Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Dear Friend in Liberty,

The 2009 elections in Virginia promise to be very important for the direction of our Country. America has taken a dangerous turn away from Liberty and toward big, oppressive government. We must elect leaders who will help right our ship and return us back toward freedom and prosperity.

Ken Cuccinelli is just such a leader. In the Virginia Senate, Ken fought tirelessly against tax hikes and big spending. He was a a great ally in our fight against Dangerous ID, and will defend property rights, gun rights and the tenth amendment. We need Ken Cuccinelli fighting for us in Richmond.

That is why I am proud to endorse Ken Cuccinelli for Attorney General in Virginia. Please support Ken in any way for you feel comfortable. You can visit his website,, to donate, volunteer or get information to share with your friends and familiy.

And. most importantly, please be sure to vote for Ken on Tuesday, November 3rd. Together, we can elect a true defender of Liberty in Virginia.

In Liberty,

Ron Paul

This is HUGE for Ken to get an endorsement from someone who has such a huge national following and is the third Presidential candidate to throw his support behind Ken following Mike Huckabee and Fred Thompson. The endorsement also shows people that Ken is a person who supports liberty and freedom and limited government. I can not express how absolutely thrilled about this I am.

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